Mormon Prom 2014. Asking and Responding.
On Friday afternoon I found this lovely little package on my door step. |
The package contained 2 pieces of paper and a little box. This first paper is a Divergent word cypher. Each line has a number code which corresponds to a page number, a line number and a word number in Divergent. |
So after searching through the book to find out the words the note said: Will you be brave enough to go to prom with me. And then at the bottom his initials were circled. |
Now I finally got to open the box since I had been told it had to wait until the end. |
Inside the box was this AMAZING necklace. |
On the front of the necklace it says Dauntless. If you have not read Divergent ( you are crazy ), in the book there are five factions that the characters are divided into, and Dauntless is one of them and just happens to be MY favorite. |
On the back of the necklace is says: A night in NYC 2014. Which is this years Mormon Prom theme. |
Divergent is my favorite book which made this all the more awesome and fun. He knew that I loved to read and incorporated that in and so for my response I knew I had to incorporate one of his favorite things which is TV shows. The tricky part was deciding on what to do. I knew it had to equal the creativness and awesomness but I was at a little disadvantage since I only had one day to whip something up.Here is what I came up with:
I decided to make a cypher of my own, using the show The Blacklist. So what he had to do was look up an episode number, find the specified word in the title of the episode, and then the specified letter in that word, which would spell out my answer so the final note would say: My answer is yes I choose to be brave. Then it would also spell out my initials at the bottom. |

Then, with the help of my mom, I found this mug and just personalized it a little bit so it would have the actual prom theme. |
I wrapped it up and wrote on it to make sure he would open it last. I also thought it would look better if I personalized the bag a little bit so I stole the logo for the dance. ( I know sneaky right? ) |
So here is the final response all wrapped up. On Saturday night I dropped it by his house and that was that.
Now the fun part begins, getting everything together for the actual night which is March 21st. This was a great way to start the fun memories that prom brings. I was genuinely surprised that I got asked on Friday seeing as how he was out of town (...mysterious) and so I just had to make sure my response was all done and waiting for him when he got back. I am so happy with all of this and know that prom will be great!